News & Press

 Project | Philosophy | A Few Facts  | News & Press Evaluation

Governor's Certificate of Honor - In August 2016, the LiT-uPP program received a Certificate of Honor from Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, commending its “ongoing commitment to provide hope and healing to women serving life sentences in maximum security prisons.”

Article -"Connecting with inner freedom: Camptonville woman brings hope to ‘lifers’ behind bars with Lioness Tale Prison Project" from the Nevada City Union newspaper

NCR eBook: Best Catholic Spirituality Writing 2013 – a collection of 25 of the best spirituality essays published in the National Catholic Reporter during 2013, including Diane’s essay, The journey from margin to center (also available in the Spring 2013 issue of EARTHLINES).  

The Lioness Tale - This book serves as a foundation to assist women in prison in their own transformative process.